Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Who woulda thought the best NBA player would come from China?"

I went inside the SCAD security building once again. The first time I was interrogated was on May 19 where I was taken out of my Promotional Writing class. I had heard talk about a threat written in a letter made to the athletics banquet award ceremony before I was first taken in.

So I got a call from Jeff Smith, head of residence life (as i was told), asking me to come by the building after my classes. At first I asked how long it would take because I had plans to meet with a friend after class. He proceeded to tell me that it wouldn't take long. I began to assume many things that could happen. If they would tell me that I have a threat against me and my life is on danger or they really believe that I could be the one to write that letter. Haha.

A girl standing four feet ten inches is a threat.
Haha. Psh. Yeah, right.

As I stepped into the same office, I noticed that the guy who called me was not there but a small frail man who had a lot of gray hairs and lines on his face. He was on the phone so I walked back outside the room to be respectful.

"Hi there, can I h-e-l-p you?" he asked with a stutter.

"Um, yes. I got a call from Jeff Smith and he told me to come in," I replied.

"Oh, yes. He stepped out but I am the culprit who asked for you to come in," he says with a chuckle. He leads me to a chair that I could sit on. He was private investigator Chic.

"How long do you think this will take? Because I have no change and I only have 15 minutes in the meter," I explained.

"Oh, you need quarters? Let me see if I can find change," he says as he searches his pocket and bag.

He found some quarters and gave them to me. I went back outside in the blazing sun and made my way to dispense more quarters in my meter. I walk back in with a mild indication on my face that I had been sweating.

I sat down and he started to ask questions about why I came to SCAD and if I came to SCAD for basketball. Then he paused and asked if I knew Charles Barkley. Of course I knew who that was. Hello? I do play basketball. He continued on with a story:

"He's a funny man and this happened 4 years ago. Charles said who woulda thought that the best golfer is black and who woulda thought the best NBA player is from China?" as he chuckled.

"You know, when I first saw you walk in the room I thought about what he told me because I had no idea what you looked like or how tall you were. I was thinking to myself, that you couldn't possibly play basketball," as he chuckled.

No, he did not! Did he just insult me in a jokingly manner that he expects me to just let go and laugh with him? Ha. Wow.

Unfortunately that is exactly what I did. No point. I was use to it as I've heard it all my life.

He continued on asking me more in depth questions that I can't post on this blog. He told me I was not to speak to anyone or talk about what was asked and said, as it is an "investigation."

One benefit I did get from this visit in the SCAD security building was that I actually know what was said on the letter. I'll just say that it was very disturbing and grammatically wrong in so many ways!

Stupid. Whoever it was definitely has not had Beth for a writing class.


  1. I used to see Charles Barkley at my gym back home all the time. My dad sat with him in the sauna once, haha.

  2. ...Why didn't you kill him? I think you would've been justified. Should've gone all Escrima on his ass. :D
