Monday, May 25, 2009

Life Lesson #2

No matter what you do, people will talk about you regardless.

I have come to a conclusion about this specific topic. I can refer to my recent experience this past weekend.

This girl, Zay, has wanted to have a relationship with me since January. I didn't think it was right for me to start a new relationship when I still had feelings for Dakota so I told her we should be friends. And that's what we have been, friends. We've hung out a few times and have gone clubbing several weekends. We were working our way to a relationship but I wasn't rushing it because I needed to give myself some "me" time.

I use to have a friend, Sha, who apparently started to like Zay. If it was months before, I wouldn't care if she wanted to be with her but with the fact that Zay and I have grown, I found it wrong. I found out Saturday night that my so called friend have been trying to put a bad image to my name. She has repeatedly tried to convince Zay that I'm still stuck on Dakota, that we'd never last and she shouldn't be stuck on me. Haha. I laughed at first but then I proceeded to be pissed off because I thought that was very childish of her. Not a smart and effective way to steal someone. Zay is smarter than what Sha intended her to be so Sha just ended up getting cursed out and played.

I've tried to avoid putting my relationships out in the open with certain friends to avoid drama but it still follows me. I've tried the path of being open about my relationships but still not ever enough. This is why I just decided to cut certain friends out of my life completely because friends shouldn't talk about you regardless of the situation.

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