Thursday, May 28, 2009

Last day

So I just got back from our Writing for the Web class and I'm exhausted! The weather man said it was going to rain but it's like scorching hot and humid outside!

We were playing kickball and I sucked ass! Whit and Mary Kate just killed our team but it's all good, I bet you guys can't beat us in a game of basketball! Haha.

Overall, I had a good time with everyone in the class this quarter. You guys are hilarious and very talented. Even though I won't be here next year, I hope you guys all the luck in your career!

Kristina: Come on super senior, get it done and graduate already!

Ashley: Keep being loud and beating up people!

Beth I will miss you. You have been a great professor. I will keep in contact and keep you updated with school and basketball next year. Good luck with your 8 a.m. class this summer!

Love you guys!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Who woulda thought the best NBA player would come from China?"

I went inside the SCAD security building once again. The first time I was interrogated was on May 19 where I was taken out of my Promotional Writing class. I had heard talk about a threat written in a letter made to the athletics banquet award ceremony before I was first taken in.

So I got a call from Jeff Smith, head of residence life (as i was told), asking me to come by the building after my classes. At first I asked how long it would take because I had plans to meet with a friend after class. He proceeded to tell me that it wouldn't take long. I began to assume many things that could happen. If they would tell me that I have a threat against me and my life is on danger or they really believe that I could be the one to write that letter. Haha.

A girl standing four feet ten inches is a threat.
Haha. Psh. Yeah, right.

As I stepped into the same office, I noticed that the guy who called me was not there but a small frail man who had a lot of gray hairs and lines on his face. He was on the phone so I walked back outside the room to be respectful.

"Hi there, can I h-e-l-p you?" he asked with a stutter.

"Um, yes. I got a call from Jeff Smith and he told me to come in," I replied.

"Oh, yes. He stepped out but I am the culprit who asked for you to come in," he says with a chuckle. He leads me to a chair that I could sit on. He was private investigator Chic.

"How long do you think this will take? Because I have no change and I only have 15 minutes in the meter," I explained.

"Oh, you need quarters? Let me see if I can find change," he says as he searches his pocket and bag.

He found some quarters and gave them to me. I went back outside in the blazing sun and made my way to dispense more quarters in my meter. I walk back in with a mild indication on my face that I had been sweating.

I sat down and he started to ask questions about why I came to SCAD and if I came to SCAD for basketball. Then he paused and asked if I knew Charles Barkley. Of course I knew who that was. Hello? I do play basketball. He continued on with a story:

"He's a funny man and this happened 4 years ago. Charles said who woulda thought that the best golfer is black and who woulda thought the best NBA player is from China?" as he chuckled.

"You know, when I first saw you walk in the room I thought about what he told me because I had no idea what you looked like or how tall you were. I was thinking to myself, that you couldn't possibly play basketball," as he chuckled.

No, he did not! Did he just insult me in a jokingly manner that he expects me to just let go and laugh with him? Ha. Wow.

Unfortunately that is exactly what I did. No point. I was use to it as I've heard it all my life.

He continued on asking me more in depth questions that I can't post on this blog. He told me I was not to speak to anyone or talk about what was asked and said, as it is an "investigation."

One benefit I did get from this visit in the SCAD security building was that I actually know what was said on the letter. I'll just say that it was very disturbing and grammatically wrong in so many ways!

Stupid. Whoever it was definitely has not had Beth for a writing class.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Life Lesson #2

No matter what you do, people will talk about you regardless.

I have come to a conclusion about this specific topic. I can refer to my recent experience this past weekend.

This girl, Zay, has wanted to have a relationship with me since January. I didn't think it was right for me to start a new relationship when I still had feelings for Dakota so I told her we should be friends. And that's what we have been, friends. We've hung out a few times and have gone clubbing several weekends. We were working our way to a relationship but I wasn't rushing it because I needed to give myself some "me" time.

I use to have a friend, Sha, who apparently started to like Zay. If it was months before, I wouldn't care if she wanted to be with her but with the fact that Zay and I have grown, I found it wrong. I found out Saturday night that my so called friend have been trying to put a bad image to my name. She has repeatedly tried to convince Zay that I'm still stuck on Dakota, that we'd never last and she shouldn't be stuck on me. Haha. I laughed at first but then I proceeded to be pissed off because I thought that was very childish of her. Not a smart and effective way to steal someone. Zay is smarter than what Sha intended her to be so Sha just ended up getting cursed out and played.

I've tried to avoid putting my relationships out in the open with certain friends to avoid drama but it still follows me. I've tried the path of being open about my relationships but still not ever enough. This is why I just decided to cut certain friends out of my life completely because friends shouldn't talk about you regardless of the situation.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life Lesson #1 from me

Never get into a new relationship when you know you haven't moved on from your past ghosts.

It seems like a lot of people rush into a new relationship because they are hurt and for the wrong reasons. It's never healthy to use a person as an outlet to forget the past when you're not ready to let everything go.

This is me.

This is who I am. Basketball is my #1. This is a video of my personalized move. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rough week, one laugh.

I've been going through a lot this week due to relationships, schoolwork and basketball workouts. I saw this and it just made me laugh. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My resolution

"When you looked back, I was right behind you...when you looked to the side of you, I was standing by you...when you looked in front of you, I was right there holding your hand...But that was before and now when you look behind, side and in front... you'll see the ghost of me you wish u still had..."

I finally had a reality check. I've been in a relationship trying to make things work when we were never on the same page. We all try to force someone to be in our lives when sometimes they are not meant to be in it. Whoever is suppose to be in our lives 5 to 10 years from now will be there. Point blank. No argument needed.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Are you obsessed?

I saw this movie this weekend. I absolutely love Beyonce but I was disappointed with the ending and some of the acting. My roommate and I had to go all the way to the theater in front of Savannah mall at midnight because it was sold out at the Victory theater. We were forced to sit in the second row so it was a little uncomfortable. All in all it was an O.K. movie.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Make-up class for Beth

I had to go into wonderful Arnold Hall at 7:45 AM today for a make-up class for Writing for the Web. We watched the movie Untraceable and I literally fell asleep after twenty minutes the movie started. I already watched the movie and I had a rough night last night. Surviving the 8 AM I had to turn around and attend Promotional Writing at 10 AM. I convinced her to watch another movie instead of taking notes since more than half of the class did not attend.

Since I fell asleep in my first class and barely stayed awake the second class, I should have stayed in my cozy bed but it was worth it. I had breakfast for the very first time in a long period of time so anything with eating food is always worth it. :)

Artemis Reading

It's official my poem "With this Witness" will be the one submitted into Artemis. Last week I wasn't sure because I previously submitted two poems but I was just told that it would be that poem. Be sure to be there at the student center May 7 at 7 p.m. to hear my poem. Come support!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Quarter? No, "Cancelation Quarter."

This quarter have been filled with cancellation left and right from my Nonfiction I class. He supposedly has an oral procedure he has to take care of so I've been enjoying extra time to read and write about anything. I will probably complain when we have to do make-up classes on the only day I allow myself to sleep in which is Friday. I bet no one could complain if their other classes demanded them to do more work than their "canceled" class.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I recently received an email from my Poetry I professor and she said one of my poems that I had submitted for Artemis has been chosen! I heard it was hard to get your work published by them so I'm really excited! I'm suppose to be reading on May 7th at the student center at 7 p.m. Come support!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I've acquired the mood to disturb some ghosts. My roommates and I thought it would be a great idea to sneak into Bonaventure cemetery, which is known to be one of the most haunted places in Savannah. I knew if we went really late that it would be closed. And for some reason I didn't tell my roommate because I was just in the mood to get up and go.

The mission went from 2 people to 8. Turns out that their were a lot of people that were as curious as my roommate and me. So we got there with 2 full car loads and we spotted one security camera outside of the caretaker house. We searched on the sides to see if we could jump a fence and there was another camera by the parking lot. I personally wanted to just jump the fence on the side but it was too risky. I guess the cops have had a problem with people trying to trespass in the cemetery in the past so security is on high alert.

I had another great idea to follow the winding road around the cemetery to see if there was another way to get into it. There was this strip of road that was just filled with darkness and at the end of the road were lights so we were a little skeptical but we continued to walk towards it. As we were approaching the road I had a really bad feeling coming from my legs all the way to my chest. I just kept it inside but I was scared shitless! So we got to the middle and the pressure in my chest just kept pounding harder and harder. All of a sudden this car comes up behind us and we freaked out! There was a nearby house so we all ran to the driveway but security lights came on and their dog started barking. Since everyone was freaked out, I accidentally bumped into the car and the car alarm went off. I never ran so fast in my life since basketball season ended. After that whole thing happened a lot of people wanted to go home but I was being stubborn and didn't want to leave. But it was around 4 a.m. so I decided to just take everyone in my car home and call it a night.

Even thought we didn't get into the cemetery I still had fun. We do plan to go back there again because we are planning to scope it out during the day so we could find other ways to get in! Stay tuned.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sweat Room?

I was invited to the biggest house party that SCAD supposedly would have this quarter. It was called ILLUMINATION Blacklight party.

Since a lot of people haven't seen me dress up I decided to dress all sexy or at least try to haha. I've uploaded some pictures for your entertainment as well. The picture on the left was some friends and I at a lounge before going to the house party. I'm pretty sure you can spot my little Asian self on the picture to the right. Enjoy!

As you can see it was a sweat shop!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Love Status

So I'm known for putting some inspiring words on my Facebook status. I thought I was the only one thinking that before I got a message in my inbox and it reads:

"Hey , Don't take this the wrong way but i really dig your (statuses)...(<--if that's a word), LOL...

I rarely hear people speak about love the way you do, I dunno..i think about it, but i don't have the heart to say it..well, not out out loud....

anyway...I just wanted to recognize the fact that your not the only one who feels that way...i feel you when it comes to the positives and NEGATIVE sides to love...
any way.... I know you don't know me and this may seem kinda i just wanted to acknowledge that you have powerful words...."

This made my day when I read this because it shows how many people out there actually listens to what I have to say.

Here are some of what I've posted as my status:

"Sometimes love comes around..and it knocks you down Just get back up..When it knocks you down..they say I move too quick, but we can't let the moment pass us..but u always get to a certain point where ur just forced to move on.."

"You promised me that you would love. You promised me that you would stay. You promised me you'll never leave. You never shoulda gave me broken promises..."

"Love doesn't walk away...people do..."

"There comes a time in life when you just decide to give up on everything and walk away... when u really never wanted to.."

"love conquers all. BULLFUCKINSHIT"-Ana and I'm about to agree also..."

Those were just a few but I honestly can say they were just my feelings at the time but it's always good to see people react to them. I thought I'd share how that message made my day!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My baby runt!

I introduce you Kristian Remigio, who is five years old and will be the future "ladies man". This kid already has girls giving him attention who are much older than him. These girls are mainly my friends and of course it's all because they think he's adorable and all out of fun. I think I'm going to convince my mom to have him model. Little kid should be useful and make some money now right? Haha just kidding! That's my little baby but he's basically going to be much taller than me when he grows up because he's already up to the middle of my stomach. Geez, I'm small! But I will declare that he will be the guy the girls are going to love and want. Mark my words! Just wait to see in 13 years or so.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What's a G?

I absolutely love this commercial. I know it's about Gatorade but it's just inspirational to me because of the words said and the famous athletes shown. Some of those figures have inspired me to keep going and fight for what I want. I can truly say people who have told me I'm too short or that I would never make it have only fueled my fire. They gave me more of a reason to keep proving them wrong. What is a G? I'm a G!

Star Castle of Savannah!

So my roomie is turning 21 tomorrow and she wanted to celebrate and do something yesterday. Now typical girls who would be turning 21 would be like OMG lets go out to a bar! She's never drank in her life so she suggested STAR CASTLE! At first I was supportive of it because it's been forever that I haven't played laser tag. Then I got this partying urge and wanted to go out. I decided to go anyways to celebrate with her and I actually had fun. There was this one game where you had to stack up blocks all the way to the top of the screen in order to get a "major prize". You had to time it right to line the blocks up and if u hit the last block then you could choose from Nintendo DS Lite, Rockband for Xbox Live and a Polaroid camera. My friends and I spent a total of 10 dollars worth of quarters on this one game. We decided that the machine was cheating us so we finally gave up. We would always lose at the last block it was so frustrating!!!!!

We were suppose to play laster tag but everyone else took so long with arcade games that the time slot for 5 p.m. were already booked! I was so mad! Haha I felt like a little kid but all in all it was fun. I'd choose partying over it though! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Life's false promises

From the first time I've ever dated someone I was told to never let anyone in so fast. Don't take people for granted is what my friends always told me too. As a smart girl I took these two sayings and depended on them from the jump. It's been seven years since I've had my first relationship and I've been loved, misused, adored, romanced and scorned. The first time I had my heart broken I became stubborn and trusted no one. I was one of those girls who would treat the next person badly for my exes mistakes.

I've been breathing for 20 years now and I've just realized that life is full of false promises. I say this because every promise made in any way (whether I was in a relationship or not) has been broken. I gave up my soul and changed my ways when I fell in love but all i got in return was false promises and heartache. So the only advice I live by now is LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST and fuck everything else. Fuck the sayings, the love. Fuck the words "soul mate" because they are all life's false promises!

My "Hip Hop" Side

I love this crew from ABDC. I like to think that I could dance choreography like they do, i just do freestyle and enough said.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Feeling a little poetry

So I decided to write a poem since I had a lot of thoughts in my head so here it is:

With This Witness

We have yelled when we needed it.
We have left nonexistent words, settling for the silence
of unspoken voices, and we have ditched our hearts
and avoided the reason for reasoning.

And now we stand before each other.
The cement has absorbed us and we are stuck.
The cracks break free on this pasty ground.
Our eyes delay.

With this witness
has its faults with nothing to regret, nothing to lose.
We have no hope or falling tears,
no symphony to scream, no explanation to not stay.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Unusual Friday

My friday didnt start like every other friday for me. I usually wake up around noon or one but i woke up at exactly 9:15 a.m. I was scheduled to be at Columbia, SC at around noon but shortly after I woke up I went back to sleep because I couldnt drive for three hours. When I finally woke up I preceded to Mickey D's to get some food so I could wake up. I never realized how much of a speed demon I am till I road on I-95 in South Carolina. It only had two lanes and every driver decided they just wanted to cruise so it took longer than I expected to get to the college. At last I got to the college and took a tour with my future coach. After the tour I met my future teammates and we ran a few games back to bak for about two hours. I WAS OUT OF SHAPE! These girls have been doing workouts while I've been taking a break from my previous season due to a foot injury but I survived.

Bad news started to come up when my coach told me i might have to come up with $6,000 rather than getting a full scholarship. Now I had to choose between continuing to play basketball or staying at SCAD to get my degree. I really had no choice realistically because my mom isnt too fond of loans. I was going crazy thinking about what I would do if I had to end my career in basketball, i was pissed! I took off to get back to Savannah at around seven. I enjoyed the ride back than the ride on my way there because I was speeding and had the open road. This probably explains how at exactly 9:10 p.m. in Hardeeville, SC I received my first speeding ticket. The officer was nice enough to lower down the cost from $130 to $81 and only gave me two points. So on top of the possibility of not being able to play ball, i get a stupid ticket! What a fucking day right?

This is the day in the life of Krystle. Awesome right? Now I have to find a way to get some money, wish me luck!